Unashamed Truths of a Middle Class Twenty Something

I'm figuring it out as I go.

27: Year of Do

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Today is my birthday.

I turn 27. I don’t feel 27. I feel simultaneously younger and much older. On the upside, I think I’m finally starting to look my age instead of vastly younger. My skin decided to hit puberty when I turned 26. I am concurrently treating and actively trying to prevent acne and wrinkles. Oh the joys of aging as a woman.  


Sometimes, I feel like I have accomplished almost nothing in my life. Really, I have accomplished quite a lot. I have survived quite a lot too. Although, I haven’t done as much as I want to. I want to do more because I want more out of life. I want to make the most out of every day I have. One of my greatest fears is wasted time.

I read Shonda Rhimes’ Year of Yes earlier this year. It got me thinking. Maybe I should start titling my years as an incentive to myself. Over the past three months, I have been taking an inventory of all the things I want to accomplish, experience, and be a part of before I turn 30. It turns out I have a lot of dreams. Dreams I have touched on but never done much about. I have three years to do so much. It’s not a lot of time. So every day counts.

Do. This is my year of doing. I will do the things I need to do. I am no longer thinking of things as pipe dreams, but realities I am chasing. Actively.

So here I am. Committing myself to doing. Chasing dreams. Following passions. Pushing boundaries. Loving fully. Acting upon the motivations of my truest self.

Author: Midwestern Twenty Something

RaeAnna is a wanderer on a mission; though, she's not always sure what that mission is. Taking on adulthood with a sense of humor, a book, and her dog, she's ready to conquer the world. Unafraid to celebrate her faults or photograph her tumbles, she aims to help people see life as an ever-rolling, lopsided wheel instead of the perfectly manicured and Instagrammably stationary square we wish it were.

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